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Welcome to OpenPrep 🚀

This repository is a comprehensive collection of resources for various programming languages. It includes tutorials, code samples, best practices, and reference materials to help developers of all levels enhance their skills and knowledge in multiple languages.

Start Learning Instantly

You don’t need to install anything! Simply browse through the available languages, and under each one, you’ll find a collection of tutorials, code samples, and resources to help you learn and grow. Just pick a topic and dive right in!

Interested in contributing to OpenPrep?

First of all, thank you for taking the time to contribute! 🤙
The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to this repository. Before contributing, we encourage you to read our Code of Conduct.

Code Of Conduct

Contributing Guide ✨

  1. Forking the OpenPrep Repository

    Click the Fork button at the top right of the OpenPrep repository’s GitHub Page to create a copy in your account, or go directly to the Fork Page & click on Create Fork button. After successfully forking the repo, you’ll be redirected to your copy of the OpenPrep repository.

  2. Cloning the OpenPrep Repository

    On your forked repo, click the button that says <> Code. Under Local tab, it will open a dropdown menu. Copy the link in the input with the label HTTPS or GitHub CLI depending on your preferred cloning mode.

    For cloning via HTTPS, first create a folder on your system and open it in VS Code or any other code editor. Then, open the terminal inside this folder and run the following command to clone or have a local copy of the forked repository in this folder:

    Terminal window
    git clone<your-username>/OpenPrep.git

    Here, replace <your-username> with your GitHub username.

    You can also clone the forked repo using the GitHub CLI.
    To do this, run the following command:

    Terminal window
    gh repo clone <your-username>/OpenPrep
  3. Setup the Development Environment

    Ensure you have the following installed:

    DependencyVersion Requirement
    Node.jsVersion 20 or higher (recommended to use the latest version)
    npmLatest version (ensure you’re using the most recent release)

    Now, navigate to the root directory of the project and run:

    Terminal window
    npm install

    Once installation done, Run the development server:

    Terminal window
    npm start


    Terminal window
    npm run dev

    Now open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:4321 to view the website.

    To create a production build of the website, run:

    Terminal window
    npm run build

    To preview the production build of the website, run:

    Terminal window
    npm run preview
  4. Making your Changes

    Before you can make any changes to the code base please go through the

    Naming Conventions

    Steps to Create a New Branch

    Ensure you are on the correct base branch
    First, check that you’re on the correct base branch (main) before creating a new branch.

    Terminal window
    git checkout main

    Pull the latest changes
    Always pull the latest changes from the remote branch to ensure your branch is up to date.

    Terminal window
    git pull origin main

    Create a new branch
    Use the git checkout command to create and switch to a new branch following the naming conventions.

    Terminal window
    git checkout -b <your-branch-name>

    Make your changes
    Now that you’re on your new branch, you can make the necessary code changes. After completing your changes, stage them for commit.

    Terminal window
    git add .

    Commit your changes
    Write a meaningful commit message that summarizes your changes.

    Terminal window
    git commit -m "Your commit message"

    Push your changes to the remote repo
    Once you’ve committed your changes, push your branch to the remote repository.

    Terminal window
    git push origin <your-branch-name>
  5. Opening a Pull Request

    Steps to Open a Pull Request

    • Go to the repository on GitHub.
    • Click on the Pull requests tab.
    • Click on New Pull Request.
    • Select the branch that contains your changes targetting the OpenPrep’s main branch.
    • Ensure the title follows the naming convention.

    Add a Detailed Description

    • In the description field of the pull request, provide a detailed explanation of the changes.
    • Describe what was changed, why it was changed, and any other relevant details.
    • Use the correct way to link issues in the description of the PR by updating the XXXXXX. Do not just add issue numbers everywhere and anywhere you feel like.

    Submit the Pull Request:

    • After filling out the title and description, click on “Create pull request”.
  6. Congratulations! 🎉

    You have successfully contributed to the OpenPrep repository.
    Your pull request will be reviewed by the maintainers, and if everything is in order, it will be merged into the main branch. If any reviews or changes are requested by the reviewers then please feel free to resolve them so that maintainers can merge your PR.

    Thank you for your contribution! 🙌